Dependable and Precise Bookkeeping Services Tailored to Meet the Needs of Business Owners.

Perfect Balance: Keeping Your Books Straight & Your Business Profitable

What To Expect

Personalized virtual bookkeeping services for business owners who are seeking to get their time back from administrative bookkeeping tasks, accurate and organized financial statements, and growth in their businesses. I want you to avoid pain, and eliminate a job or role you don’t enjoy.

Investing in a Bookkeeper Provides:

  • Financial Insight: Bookkeeping provides a detailed record of financial transactions, offering insights into your business’s monetary health.

  • Legal Compliance: Accurate bookkeeping ensures compliance with tax laws and regulations, helping avert legal issues.

  • Decision Making: It aids informed decision-making by providing data on revenue, expenses, and overall financial performance.

  • Audit Preparation: Organized financial records simplify the audit process, saving time and resources in case of an audit.

  • Cash Flow Management: Tracking income and expenses helps manage cash flow efficiently, crucial for sustaining day-to-day operations.

  • Creditworthiness: Lenders often rely on a company’s financial records to assess creditworthiness, impacting loan approvals and interest rates.

  • Performance Evaluation: Bookkeeping enables the evaluation of business performance over time, aiding strategic planning and growth.

  • Financial Planning: It forms the foundation for strategic financial planning, guiding long-term goals and sustainability.

Optimizing Your Business with Virtual Services

Delivering exceptional service virtually, I prioritize your books with superb dedication whether we connect in person over coffee (local to me) or via Zoom call.

Wondering Why More Professionals are Working Remotely
and How it Benefits Clients?

  1. Cost savings: Virtual work eliminates the need for a physical office space, reducing overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office supplies. This cost savings can be passed on to the client in the form of lower fees or rates.

  2. Access to global talent pool: Working virtually allows clients to access a wider pool of talent, as location is no longer a barrier. They can choose from expert professionals across the world, ensuring they get the best candidate for their projects.

  3. Increased productivity and flexibility: Virtual work offers a more flexible work environment, allowing professionals to work from anywhere and at any time that suits them. This can result in increased productivity as individuals can work at their own pace and during their most productive hours.

4. Expanded availability: With virtual work, clients can access services outside of traditional working hours. This is particularly beneficial for clients in different time zones or with urgent project deadlines.

5. Efficient communication and collaboration: Virtual work relies heavily on digital communication tools, such as email, video conferencing, and project management platforms. These tools facilitate quick and efficient communication between the client and the virtual worker, ensuring smooth collaboration and timely completion of tasks.

6. Faster turnaround time: Without the need for commuting or other time-consuming activities associated with traditional office work, virtual workers can often respond and complete tasks more quickly. This allows for faster turnaround times on client requests or projects.

Overall, working virtually provides clients with a cost-effective, flexible, and efficient solution, enabling them to access a global talent pool and receive high-quality services in a timely manner.


  • Bookkeeping Services

    Monthly Bookkeeping Services include gathering bank, credit card, and loan statements, HUDs, categorizing, matching, and reconciling accounts within QBO. Standard Monthly reports (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, & Statement of Cash Flows), 1099s, and an End of Month Reporting sent to you for your review.

  • Who I Serve

    Business Owners who are just starting their business, who need their books cleaned up and refreshed, or who are looking to free up their time so they can focus on growing their business. For a list of businesses and industries, click here

Around 65% of small businesses in the United States believe that working with a professional bookkeeper helps them save time and reduce stress.

— survey by Sleeter Group

Take your time back, today.